Basic utilities to assist in data analysis or transfer
Agent Ransack
Website: https://www.mythicsoft.com/agentransack/ Description: File Search utility Author: Mythicsoft License: End User License Agreement Version: 9.2.3406.1 Notes:
Apple iTunes
Website: https://www.apple.com Description: Media viewer and Apple device manager Author: Apple License: EULA Version: Notes: Available, but not installed by default
Aurora Incident Response
Website: https://github.com/cyb3rfox/Aurora-Incident-Response Description: Incident Response Tracking tool Author: Mathias Fuchs License: Apache License 2.0 (https://github.com/cyb3rfox/Aurora-Incident-Response/blob/master/LICENSE) Version: 0.6.6 Notes:
Bulk Rename Utility
Website: https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk Description: Tool to rename multiple files with similar names Author: TGRMN Software License: EULA (https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/License.php) Version: 3.4.4 Notes: Available, but not installed by default
CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment)
Website: https://www.caine-live.net/ Description: USB bootable forensic environment Author: Nanni Bassetti (https://www.caine-live.net/page4/page4.html) License: GNU General Public License v2.1+ (https://www.caine-live.net/) Version: 12.4 Notes: Available, but not downloaded by default
Encrypted Disk Detector (EDD)
Website: https://www.magnetforensics.com Description: Detects encrypted disks Author: Magnet Forensics License: EULA Version: 310 Notes: Standalone Utility
Website: https://fastcopy.jp Description: Fast file copy software which can retain file details Author: FastCopy Lab - https://fastcopy.jp/company.html License: Copyright - All rights reserved - https://fastcopy.jp/help/fastcopy_eng.htm#license Version: 5.4.1 Notes:
Glossary Generator
Website: (nil - in house tool) Description: Tool to generate a glossary for forensic reports Author: Jad Saliba License: None Provided Version: 1.1 Notes: Available, but not installed by default
Google Earth Pro
Website: https://www.google.com/earth/about/versions/?gl=CA&hl=en#download-pro Description: Tool for viewing Google Maps through installed application Author: Google License: Terms of Service (https://www.google.com/help/terms_maps/) Version: Notes: Available, but not installed by default
Website: https://github.com/gurnec/HashCheck Description: Context-Menu / Shell Extension hash generator utility Author: Christopher Gurnee / Kai Liu / David B. Trout / Tim Schlueter License: https://github.com/gurnec/HashCheck/blob/master/license.txt Version: Notes:
Website: (nil - in house) Description: Batch script to convert hex/on-disk GUID to GUID format Author: Mark Southby License: Free To Use Version: 2022050a Notes: Available, but not installed by default
IrfanView x64
Website: https://www.irfanview.com/64bit.htm Description: IrfanView image viewer and editor Author: Irfan Skiljan License: https://www.irfanview.com/eula.htm Version: 4.62 Notes:
IrfanView x64 Plugins
Website: https://www.irfanview.com/64bit.htm Description: IrfanView Plugins Author: Irfan Skiljan License: https://www.irfanview.com/eula.htm Version: 4.62 Notes:
Website: https://megatools.megous.com Description: Mega.NZ downloader suite Author: https://megatools.megous.com/man/megatools.html#_author License: GNU General Public License v2 (https://megous.com/git/megatools/tree/LICENSE) Version: 1.11.1 Notes:
Microsoft PowerToys
Website: https://github.com/microsoft/powertoys Description: Windows productivity system utilities Author: Microsoft License: MIT (https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/main/LICENSE) Version: 0.74.1 Notes:
Monolith Notes
Website: https://www.monolithforensics.com/ Description: Forensic note taking and tracking tool Author: Monolith Forensics License: EULA Version: 1.0.1 Notes:
Nuix Evidence Mover
Website: https://www.nuix.com/nuix-evidence-mover Description: File Transfer tool with source and destination hashing Author: NUIX License: https://www.oracle.com/legal/terms.html Version: 6.2.1 Notes:
Website: https://github.com/namazso/OpenHashTab Description: Shell extension for file hashing Author: namazso License: GNU General Public License 3.0 (https://github.com/namazso/OpenHashTab/blob/master/COPYING) Version: 3.0.4 Notes:
Website: https://rufus.ie Description: USB ISO Creator Author: Pete Batard License: GNU General Public License v3 - https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/blob/master/LICENSE.txt Version: 4.2 Notes:
Tableau Firmware Update
Website: https://www.opentext.com Description: Firmware update utility for Tableau forensic devices Author: OpenText License: EULA Version: 22.3.2 Notes:
Website: https://www.codesector.com/teracopy Description: File transfer utility for consistent and uninterrupted transfers Author: Code Sector License: FREEWARE (private / non-commerical) Version: 3.10 Notes:
USB Write Blocker
Website: https://github.com/digitalsleuth/registry-write-block Description: USB Write Blocker for standard USB / UASP devices using Registry Modifications Author: Corey Forman License: MIT License (https://github.com/digitalsleuth/Registry-Write-Block/blob/master/LICENSE) Version: 2.0 Notes:
VcXsrv Windows X Server
Website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv Description: Windows X-Server for interacting with X-Windows environments Author: Marha License: GNU General Public License v3 (https://sourceforge.net/p/vcxsrv/code/ci/master/tree/COPYING) Version: Notes:
Website: https://www.veracrypt.fr/code/VeraCrypt/ Description: Encrypted container creation and management Author: https://github.com/veracrypt/VeraCrypt/blob/master/doc/html/Authors.html License: Apache License v2 (https://github.com/veracrypt/VeraCrypt/blob/master/License.txt) Version: 1.26.7 Notes: Available, but not installed by default
Website: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Description: Desktop virtualization software Author: Oracle License: https://www.oracle.com/html/terms.html Version: 7.0.10-158379 Notes: Available, but not installed by default
VLC Media Player
Website: https://www.videolan.org/ Description: Media Player Author: VideoLAN License: GNU General Public License v2 (https://www.videolan.org/legal.html) Version: 3.0.18 Notes: Available, but not installed by default
Voidtools Everything
Website: https://www.voidtools.com Description: File Search Utility Author: David Carpenter License: https://www.voidtools.com/License.txt Version: Notes:
Wiebetech Write Blocking Validation Utility
Website: https://wiebetech.com Description: Write blocker capability testing Author: Wiebetech License: Free To Use Version: Notes: Available, but not installed by default
Website: http://windowgrid.net Description: Tool to easily align windows and icons to a grid on the Windows Desktop Author: Joshua Wilding License: Unknown Version: Notes:
Windows Winget
Website: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli Description: Windows Package Manager Author: Microsoft License: MIT License (https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/blob/master/LICENSE) Version: 1.5.2201 Notes:
Website: https://winmerge.org Description: File Differencing Tool Author: Dean P. Grimm (Thingamahoocie Software) License: GNU General Public License v2.0 (https://github.com/WinMerge/winmerge/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Version: 2.16.32 Notes:
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